Beowulf As A Hero

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In the Poem of Beowulf, Beowulf is a hero. The Poem is about a warrior name
Beowulf who comes to save the land of Danes and kill his enemies. Beowulf can be identified as a hero based off of three characteristics, the characteristics are Bravery, strength, and loyalty. Heros, such as Superman, resemble all of these characteristics at one point or another. Heroic characteristics are traits that are sen by other well known heros. Beowulf is a hero because he resembles heroic characteristics.
Beowulf can be identified as a hero because of his Bravery. Bravery is a very common Heroic characteristic. Right before Beowulf fights Grendel, Beowulf “took off his helmet and handed his attendant the pattern sword.”(Beowulf, 672-673) This quote shows that …show more content…

Beowulf’s bravery is one example of why he is a hero.
Another way Beowulf can be seen as a hero is through his strength. Strength is another main characteristic that most heroes have. “The Truth is this: when the going was heavy in those waves, I was the strongest swimmer of all. “(Beowulf, 534) This quote shows that Beowulf is the strongest warrior which makes him the hero. Another quote that shows Beowulf’s strength is” The captain of evil discovered himself in a handgrip harder than anything he had ever encountered in any man on the face of the earth.” (Beowulf, 749) This quote not only shows Beowulf’s strength, but also the intimidation that Grendel has of Beowulf. Beowulf’s strength shows he is a hero.
Beowulf’s Loyalty is also a characteristic that shows he is a hero. Loyalty is a trait seen in very many heroes in other stories. “Undaunted, sitting astride his horse,the coast-guard answered, "Anyone with gumption and a sharp mind will take the measure of two things: what's said and what's done. I believe what you have told me: that you are a troop loyal to our king." (Beowulf, 286-291) In this quote Beowulf is called a