Bernadette Fox Stereotypes

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When I first read about the Galer Street moms, or gnats as they are commonly referred to, my mind instantly starting setting stereotypes. I see these gnats as your typical private school moms who drive BMW trucks, have 3 kids each with preppy names, and are present at every school function. By this standard, Bernadette Fox is not your average private school mom that you would expect to see from a school such as Galer Street where (school motto). Unlike the gnats, you will not see Bernadette at every school function, consistently emailing the head of school, or gossiping at pickup. Instead, you will only catch quick glimpses of Bernadette at pickup, hidden behind her designer sunglasses and scarf. To me, Bernadette Fox seems like the cool mom …show more content…

One would think that being the cool mom and having a sense of humor would make it easy for Bernadette to have friends, right? Wrong. It is not that Bernadette cannot make friends, it is simply that she does not care to. Bernadette is an extremely independent women who prefers to only be surrounded by her family. She also sees the other moms at Galer Street, potential friends if she gave forth a little effort, as below her standards. Not to mention she is also an agoraphobic, making forming friendships seems like an agonizing chore not worth her time. There is no other person (or character) in this world who would make a better friend for Bernadette other than Lorelai Gilmore from the hit show, Gilmore Girls. Like Bernadette, Lorelai is the cool mom who's best friend also happens to be her daughter, Rory. Lorelai also pays no attention to the Galer Street gnats in her own life, believing she too is above them. Although, like Bee, Rory get accepted into a prestigious private high school, Lorelai would not be caught dead behaving like one of your stereotypical private school