Bernard Brave New World Quote Analysis

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In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, there are many characters who don’t fit in socially in the World State. The protagonist, Bernard Marx, is stuck in between conforming to the World State’s standards, yet questioning inwardly due to his own views and values. Bernard doesn’t fit in with the rest of the Alphas due to the fact that he believes what they’re doing is wrong. He feels alienated from others, yet has a bit of a desire to be “normal”. The pressure of others is what allows Bernard to give in to the World State and not rebel against his own beliefs Bernard doesn’t approve of what the World State is doing, yet he is done what is expected of him. He is an Alpha, yet he doesn't look or act like one. He is oddly short, which …show more content…

Yet, these messages they’re impalanting seem to be just normal in this case. Bernard disagrees with others viewing people as items;, he believes they’re more than that, people with compassion, with feelings. He himself, treats himself as not an individual, which he desires to be, but just an Alpha in the World State. Also, he treats people that they are nothing but castes below him due to the pressure of the people around him. He’s going against what his judgement is to conform to what is right normal in the World State. Another way Bernard conforms to the World State yet questions himself is through sex and happiness. Bernard enjoys spending time alone, which the World State doesn’t really allow since being alone allows them to be in their own thoughts. But, that’s Bernard’s happy place, he doesn’t need soma to take whenever he isn’t feeling well. He tries to best he can to not having meaningless sex and to take doses of soma. But, the pressure of Lenina leads him into conforming to the normalities and taking part in these rituals. For example, at one point he gave in and took soma and ended up being involved in an orgy-porgy. This goes against what Bernard normally believes in, he doesn’t want meaningless sex with someone he doesn’t care about, he believes it should take part with two people that care for one another. Yet, the fame of brining in

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