One of the challenges that internet marketers usually face, is lack of enough traffic to there ecommerce stores. So how can online marketers increase the traffic visiting their ecommerce stores? First of all, internet marketers need to know that they are facing competition from other internet marketers. Every ecommerce business is looking forward to have the most sales leads or the most traffic.
Here are some of the best internet marketing ideas in Canada that every online marketer should try if he/she wants to be successful.
1. Search Engine Optimization
This is a key to success for online marketers. Online marketers should make sure that they can be found easily in the internet. They should
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Long-tail keywords will make your website unique from the others, thus consumers will easily find your website on search engines. To get an upper hand, you can use external links like other websites. It is very important to ensure that your name, telephone number and address appear on your website and customers can easily see them. 2. Email Marketing
Sending emails to your customers and potential buyers is very important as this will keep them informed about your business. When sending this emails, ensure that you list the offers, discounts and any other interesting information. Such emails may lure customers and potential customers to buy your products.
You can simply track if your emails are being read or not using an email marketing software. Make sure you check your emails regularly to see if there is any reply. It is important that your emails have an option to unsubscribe since some people may not be interested in them anymore.
3. Online Advertising
Internet marketers can simply purchases space for their banner ads or promotional messages. You can purchase spaces for you ads and promotional messages on advertising networks, search engine result pages and social networking
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Wikis is usually important to internet marketers as they can develop team-based content and preserve useful documents with different people. Wikis is commonly used in corporate intranets, knowledge management system and community websites.
5. Social Networking
Social networks can help internet marketers build a network of contacts whom he/she converts to customer. Social networking allows internet marketers to engage with their clients, thus giving them a chance to persuade clients.
Internet marketers can search for keywords that are related to their products on most networks in order to find questions that they can respond to. By doing this, they are gaining more exposure on the social network. Statistics show that the number of followers, friends and fans you have on social networks increase the impact you have on search engine ranking. 6. Photo and Video