Betty Maria Tallchief Research Paper

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Betty Maria TallChief was a professional ballerina dancer who was osage.Osage is a Native American Tribe in the U.S .Osage is also prefers to Orange or Osage Orange. Betty Maria faced prejudice things and encounters about being Native American but little do people know she will become a big star.To not only the locals in her town but in the whole world.She will become the Osage Firebird.By determination and never giving up and have confidence in herself got her to the place she was being successful.Betty Maria always had a dream of becoming a professional ballerina dancer and her determination made her successful.

Betty Maria and artist Rosa Bonheur both faced obstacles.Both Rosa and Betty overcome these obstacles to become famous and successful.Many people ask how did Betty become a local star?Betty Maria become famous by performing at rodeos and county fairs.Betty had such a talent for dance she could learn any dance thought by her dance teacher.Betty’s skills were

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