Beyond Bumper Stickers Ethics: Chapter Analysis

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Based on chapter 5 in the book Beyond Bumper Stickers Ethics, utilitarianism is the idea of utility or usefulness. “Utilitarianism says that acts are morally right when they succeed in (or are useful for) bringing about a desired result. The result that should be desired is happiness, because it alone is intrinsically good” (Wilkens, S, 1995, pp. 84). This can be interpreted that the death of one can bring happiness to multiple individuals. One organ donor can save up to 8 lives and also save or improve the lives of up to 50 people by donating tissues and eyes (New York Organ Donor Network, 2015). A quote to remember is, “The greatest happiness for the greatest number”. Meaning that the majority will receive greater happiness even if it requires …show more content…

In Matthew 5:38 “… an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” are examples of how if someone kills someone then that person deserves to die (King James Bible Online, 2015). This can be interpreted as divine command also known as theological voluntarism, which are laws that God command to his children to follow. A quote that furthermore explains this is “God said it, I believe it, that settles it” (Wilkens, S, 1995, pp. 170). The quote explains that, “At its core is the belief that God is the source of moral truth and communicates his will to humanity via commands. Our choice is to go our own way or to follow. If right and wrong comes from God, nothing else matters. Opposing views of friends, parents, public opinion or experts in any field take a back seat. When we are confident that God said it and we are committed to God, that settles it.” (Wilkens, S, 1995, pp. 170). A death row inmate donating his organs to save the lives of 8 people and also save or improve the lives of up to 50 people by donating tissues and eyes can result in the salvation of his life. God can see this as an act of good and the act can repaid by his/her salvation. As can be seen from the information above, there are people in need for a lifesaving organ transplant that are not getting transplantations. However, there is a solution that can benefit these individuals. The solution would be that death row inmates be able to donate their organs to save these individuals who have organ failure. At their time of execution there organs would be removed and donated. Saving the life of that individual and knowing that the inmate has done one last good deed before their