In the movie “12 Angry Men” by Sidney Lumet exhibits a courthouse with twelve men deciding whether the accused eighteen year old kid who’s been charged with murdering his father innocent or guilty with a unanimous vote. Upon further examination, juror number ten demonstrated a vice in particular a biased thinking stating “Look, we’re all grown-ups in here. We heard the facts didn’t we? You’re not gonna tell me we’re supposed to believe this kid, knowing what he is.” Thus addressing us that juror ten has a strong bias against the defendant due to the indulgence of racism, even though it will result with electrocution. Furthermore, after introducing his claim that the kid is guilty, it was convincing that jurors also believed that he was responsible. …show more content…
They are. I know it.” This scene depicts him having a dogmatic vice due to mentioning that he says, “I know it” demonstrating that his beliefs are always right and the others are wrong. Correspondingly, in light of the situation by holding a disclosed voting, juror number nine voted not guilty due to number eight’s motive being unassured whether the boy is guilty or not even though having to face against the ridicule of others. As a result, influencing juror number nine presenting a patient virtue to allow the conversation to continue. Furthermore, after sheding light of the murder case for instance the replica switchblade that they say was “unique” and the kid’s motive of killing his father having little evidence as to why he suddenly killed his dad even though violence in the kid’s life has been a norm; juror number five displays an unemotional virtue due to the reasons