Bias In The Civil Rights Movement

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Since the beginning of mankind, there has always been a bias and discriminative attitude toward one another due to race, gender, skin tone, you name it. Look back in history, there are many records that show discriminative methods based on bias opinions of a certain race. In biblical times, the Jews were targeted and used as slaves. Centuries later, it happens again. This goes for African Americans as well with slavery in the 1800s.
The Civil Rights Movement was a time in America’s history that played a substantial part in the progression of the United States, economically and between races in society. There were many important campaigns that kept the Civil Rights Movement alive and strong throughout the south and the rest of America. One of …show more content…

They marched all over town being watched by police around every corner. “When the marchers reached Kelley Ingram Park, they were met by police, some of whom were accompanied by dogs. Firemen stood nearby with high pressure water hoses manned and ready. As the young marchers approached, torrents of water were unleashed against them. The force of the blast from the hoses sent students tumbling down the street and across the sidewalks. The water pressure was so intense it ripped the clothes off some marchers.”7 This was not the end of the violence either. After the firemen were ordered to stop, the police received orders to move in with the police dogs, trained to attack on command. Blacks were also beaten with clubs while trying to …show more content…

Black communities were being heavily targeted, destroying bars and homes in the communities, even to people who were oblivious to what is going on were targeted. These bombings urged Kennedy to take Civil Rights to the next level. He and Congress later created the Civil Rights Act of 1865. Kennedy’s help with Civil Rights would later become a reason for his assassination, another big impact in history. Alabama finally began to reshape itself finally toning down the violence and hatred against Blacks. The black men and women of Alabama America has come a long way from its beginning, all the way to the present day. Throughout history there have been ups and downs, but all of these have been key points in the progression and development of the United States. Some of these events are milestones while others are tragedies. Some start out at as tragedies and become milestones later in time. This is what the Birmingham Campaign is in American history. The struggle and pain of blacks were expressed and viewed all over the world resulting in blacks moving forward in American life, catching up with the rest of the