
Biblical Basis Of Christianity Research Paper

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Through the bible we have many examples of Jesus humanity. It was a part of Gods great plan to make his son in human form, as a gift for us. In mark, Isaiah promised the son of man coming saying “Behold I will send my messenger before your face, who will prepare the way, the voice of the crying on in the wilderness: prepare the way of the lord” (Mark 1:1-3). Isaiah is saying that God is sending someone and that we will see him, in human form. This created a biblical basis for the humanity and deity of Jesus Christ. We can first look at the biblical basis for Jesus humanity. Elwell states that “His humanity is taken for granted in the synoptic gospels, as if no one could question it (239)”. The bible provides plenty of support for showing …show more content…

There he said to them, “my soul is very sorrowful, even to death. Remain here and watch”. This shows us that Jesus was just like us in the human form and we know that he experienced exhaustion, huger, and distress. Even more, we can see the biblical basis for Jesus deity. The definition deity of Jesus is a belief that within Christianity, we believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the second person of the holy Trinity, that Jesus is equal with God. Towns explains how the bible attest to Jesus deity, concluding also that “Since the bible was demonstrated to be the inspired and authoritative word of God in our section of Bibliology, we can accept the claims of scripture about the deity of Christ (157)”. Many people question how Christ holds divine nature and had human nature at the same time. However the bible show that Jesus was both of these things. Towns describes this at the hypostatic union, and says “Christianity has generally affirmed that Jesus is the God-man. The …show more content…

As Christians we should all be grateful that he came to save us, because of what we gained. First Jesus needed to become incarnate because mankind needed to be redeemed. We were under law, so God sent his son to free us from that. In Galatians 4:4 Paul wrote “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons”. Also, he came as the ultimate sacrifice so that we could be free from our sins. In Hebrews chapter 10 it describes how God no longer needed sacrifices and offerings, because he sent the ultimate sacrifice and that was Jesus Christ. Without Jesus becoming flesh, and dying, the cross would remain meaningless. In Theology Today, walvoord charts said “The Kingly office of Christ was dependent upon both the divine and human matures, and would have been impossible apart from incarnation (207)”. However, we can overemphasize or deny either the deity or humanity of Christ and it often cause us to misinterpret God. We have to acknowledge that he is God, and that he came and died in flesh for our sins. It is because of his divine nature that saved us, we tend to not acknowledged that by overemphasizing. There were also many objections or controversies about Christology. Many people denied the deity of Jesus Christ for

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