Big Business Film Analysis

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This film about the controversy of large corporations presented many instances of unethical behavior being conducted by big business. One strong argument given in the film was the early use of the 14th amendment by corporations to classify themselves as people. This bill was originally added to give rights to African-American slaves, but the majority of Supreme Court appeals were from companies demanding individual rights. This was the beginning of private and protected business in America that evolved into privately-owned America of today. Another well supported example was the case of the dangerous hormone Posilac, created by the large chemical corporation Monsanto. With their million dollar teams of lawyers, they were able to not only get the product FDA approved for human consumption, but pressure Fox News into withholding a story regarding the dangers of the bovine additive. The documentary also showed that huge businesses knowingly break laws, such as environmental regulations, by determining if the fine allows it to be cost effective. Another very contentious case that the film discussed was the allowance from the US Patent Office to patent anything biological that is not a human. The film pointed out that this ordinance has allowed for companies to patent parts of the …show more content…

They brought in different interview subjects from both sides of the capitalistic argument to avoid bias. They also delivered several instances of companies breaking the law and neglecting the interest of the people. I also found argument about the ecological implications of big business very convincing. Some of the interviewees, however, were put in a negative light with editing, conveying an opinion of corruption to the audience. I believe that, even though the point of the film is to get an overall point across, the editor should have presented all the interview subjects equal in

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