Big Hero Six Essay

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Film Analysis On Big Hero Six The movie i chose to do a social analysis on was Big Hero Six written by Duncan Rouleau, and Steven T. Seagle. I am going to talk about how Big Hero six is based mostly on Deviance, Strain theory, Culture, Groups, and Micro Level. The film is about a fourteen year old boy who lives with his older brother Tadashi and his aunt Kass. His parents died when he was just three years old. because I believe Hiro shows deviance throughout the film. I will begin to explain how I am Connecting the film to these theories. Deviance is shown throughout the film especially through the main character Hiro. At the beginning of the film Hiro shows signs of primary deviance due to him doing illegal bot fighting, getting arrested, etc. Primary deviance “is a violation of norms that does not result in any long-term effects on the individual’s self-image or interactions with others”-(openstax Ch. 7 Pg. 148). Hiro has violated …show more content…

Continuing to what I had stated in the beginning that the film connects with mostly deviance, strain theory,and groups. Combining all of these terms connecting it all to the film Big Hero Six I am set to believe that Deviance was a big impact on Hiro it changed him in many ways from beginning to the end. Not only was deviance shown throughout the film from the main character but it was shown throughout several other characters that are as well important in the film. Hiro Was set on deviance throughout the film going on and off from being deviance to socially norms. At the end he has realized that deviance was not the key to everything. Hiro 's Deviance helped his group lead him to realization that social norms is the key to solving all his problems. Deviance is shown throughout the film to show that deviance can harm loved ones, friends, and