Social Process Theory Of Crime

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Social process theory depends on the interaction between individuals and society as an explanation and is also known as interactionist perspective. This theory assumes that everyone has the potential to violate the law and that criminality is not an innate human characteristic but is instead a belief that criminal behavior is learned by interaction with others (Schmalleger, 2012). Social process feels the socialization process that occurs because of group membership is the main way through which learning occurs (Schmalleger, 2012). Social process theory views criminality as people’s interactions with various organizations, institutions, and processes in society (Siegel, 2000). This theory feels that people from all areas have the potential …show more content…

The relationships shape a person’s behavior and seeks to identify those features of a person’s personality and of the environment that keeps a person from committing a crime (Schmalleger, 2012). Social control theory predicts that when social constrains on antisocial behavior are weakened or are absent, delinquent behavior will happen. Social control asks why people obey rules instead of breaking them. Social control does not stress causative factors in criminal behavior (Schmalleger, 2012). Social control theory tries to find and identify features of personality and the environment that keep people from committing crimes. Social control feels the underlying view of human nature includes the idea of free will which gives offenders the freedom of choice, and responsibility for their behavior (Kempf-Leonard & Morris, 2017). Even those who do choose to commit crimes are likely to share the general idea that the rules they broke should be followed (Kempf-Leonard & Morris, 2017). Social control theory feels that crime and deviance are predictable behaviors that society has not curtailed particularly the process where people are socialized to obey the laws and rules of society (Kempf-Leonard & Morris, …show more content…

It explains criminal careers in terms of destructive social interaction and stigma-producing encounters (Brown, Esbensen, & Geis, 2010). Social reaction theory explains why people choose criminal careers because of labeling. Negative labels have enduring effects in a person’s social interactions and self-image. Social reaction is concerned with how self-identity and behavior of people can be determined or influenced by the terms that are used to describe or classify them and is associated with the idea of a self-fulfilling prophecy and stereotyping (Brown, Esbensen, & Geis, 2010). It distinguishes between primary deviance and secondary deviance. Primary deviance arises from a variety of reasons that are biological, psychological, and sociological. Secondary deviance is a way of defense, attack, or adaptation to a problem caused by social reaction to primary deviant behavior (Brown, Esbensen, & Geis,