Bilingual Education Richard Rodriguez Analysis

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In the essay Rodriguez challenges the idea of bilingual education, he takes us through his personal experience of a bilingual childhood where he talks about what he encountered in America as he attempts to adjust to the American culture, and how he preserved his intimacy with his family even through the language barrier. Throughout the essay, we soon see that his identity and success is tied to the place and how he was raised, his parents are a major part of his success. Richard Rodriguez was Born in a Mexican immigrant family, him and he’s family moved to California, so he had to adapt to the new and unfamiliar situation, where the culture and language is completely different, therefore making him feel like he did not belong in the American culture. There was something Richard said that was really interesting, he said “An accident of geography sent me to a school where all my classmates were white.” He believed it was an accident that he moved to the area he lived in, but I think that his parents move there on purpose. His parents could have moved to an area where everyone only spoke Spanish, but instead they decided to move to a place where people only spoke in English. I think his parents did that because they want a better life for their children, and wished they could learn how to speak the …show more content…

Thereafter he made his wife recite the prayer at the start of each meal, even on formal occasions, when there were guests in the house. Hers became the public voice of the family.” His father gave up being the voice of the house, so that they could maintain speaking more English at home, I find that really