Biochemical Reactions Involved In Light Production Of Fireflies

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This research project was to investigate the biochemical reactions that are involved in the production of light in fireflies. This assignment was completed through the research of reputable scientific sources. What this project uncovered was how fireflies, using chemical reactions in their bodies, produce light. Through the research of other notable scientists, it was discovered that the light production of fireflies deals with converting the compound luciferin into another compound. This allows for the electrons in the “excited state” to release energy when they get transformed into a lower state, thereby emitting light in the process. A further in-depth analysis of the compound luciferin and the enzyme luciferase was completed to gain a deeper …show more content…

Bioluminescence is when organisms create light through chemical reactions, which converts chemical energy into light energy. To understand the inner mechanisms bioluminescence, luminescence needs to be understood. Light is produced in luminescence by emitting electrons from a higher state of energy to a lower state. By “jumping” to a lower state, the electrons release energy. This form of energy released is visible light. Bioluminescence works the same way. Fireflies use luciferin, a compound, and convert it into another form of the compound. By converting the compound into another form, light is given off in the process. This is due to the electrons in the compound moving from a higher energy level to a lower level and the released energy is visible light. Fireflies make light through their photic organs, which allow for the mechanism of bioluminescence to occur inside …show more content…

Fireflies use chemical reactions in their bodies to change luciferin into forms that produces light. The protein luciferin is oxidized, which is catalyzed by luciferase, which is an enzyme. The fireflies release photons inside its body and the wavelength of the photon is responsible for what color of light is produced. The body of a firefly is similar to a glow stick. When you snap a glow stick, the chemicals inside are mixed together, which gives off light. Similarly, fireflies have chemicals in their bodies that are mixed together and this produces a reactions that allows for light to be given off. However, a more in-depth view of the enzyme luciferase and the protein luciferin was researched to discover its relevance to bioluminescence. Luciferase is the compound that catalyzes a protein called luciferin by oxidizing it along with magnesium adenosine triphosphate and oxygen. The role of magnesium adenosine triphosphate is that it is an energy molecule that allows for the production of light to occur. The enzyme luciferase has a ground state, which is the state that the enzyme is in before the reaction of magnesium adenosine triphosphate and oxygen happens. The enzyme, in this state, has coils and is bundled up. When the enzyme is oxidized, the conformation of the enzyme changes, making it in a closed form, or “excited

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