Bioethics In Judaism

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Since there are three key Jewish bioethical principles such as that life has an incalculable value, as time passes people aged, and illness and death as just a cycle of the human life. Also medicine not only is bad they know by using medical improvement it can help patients since their life has no price for them saving their life is important but it also has limits. Their bioethical principles act with the responsibility in trying to preserve the wellbeing of their bodies, because it belongs to God. There are exception into breaking a law in other to save a person but it cannot violate killing another to save their own life or the life of a family member. Incent and idolatry are not permitted, their bioethical structure are centered on their …show more content…

Even if the Torah strictly says that preserving life is a necessity and that transplanting an organ from a dead person is forbidden. The rule is sometimes overturn then an organ such as a kidney could be taken cadaver in other to save another life by transplanting it. Also corneal transplants are approved since its some important for the well-being of the person. Even if saving a life is mandatory in Judaism it is not done if there is a risk for the rescuer. For example, I don’t know how to swim so if I see another person drowning I will not be able to help that person. In addition, I could only look for something for that person to hold and hope that the person can get out of the water using a pole or rope (kern, 2007).The ethical complications arise when someone needs an organ such as a heart transplant or a liver those two essential organ cannot be taken from a dead person since it need circulation in order to be …show more content…

Moreover, their teaching also states and no life is more valuable than the other even if it’s the life of an enemy that they are saving. I was surprise that they are strict will abortion if the live of the mother is in danger. Their laws and understanding cope with the new advances in medicine and even