The Importance Of Adaptation To The Environment

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This topic was quiet an interesting one to do for a research project since we have been learning about adaptation throughout the year. Adaptation is the way in which an organism changes its habits and traits to best suit the surrounding environment. There are many ways in which an organism can adapt to its environment. There are three main types of ways in which an organism adapts to its environment. The first one is anatomical adaptations this occurs when an organism has to change the shape of its body , the second one is Behavioural adaptations this can be caused from how the main organisms learnt to behave and inherited from one organism to the next. The final one is Physiological adaptations, this is when physically parts of the organism become stronger or weaker. However most people do not know this, most biology students do not even know the definition of biological adaptations at Waterstone college. …show more content…

Most of the people above 19 knew what adaptation in everyday language meant but not in biological terms. Adaptation in everyday language is when a change occurs to make life easier, and in biology it is when an organism changes or becomes better suited for its environment. Both include a certain change for an improvement. However adaptations in everyday language has to do with how a change can occur to suit a situation and this adaption can either be permanent or not, nothing is physically being changed and this is not for survival. Adaptations in biological terms refers to an organism physically changing and also changing its behaviour to best suit its environment and so that it can also have great traits. Organisms adapt to an environment for all different reasons , this process is also usually long term and can be for survival unlike adaptation in everyday