
Bk's Occupational Profile

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FINDINGS Occupational Profile: BK is a widowed, Army veteran living in the Marydell retirement village, which is funded by the Arch Diocese of Wilmington, DE. She is a 68 year old, whom engages in daily occupations in a powered wheel chair due to a left AKA. She is functionally mobile in a 1 floor apartment using the powered chair and upright walker. She has a positive outlook, displaying resiliency navigating her home, which is not ADA compliant. Due to chronic RA her UE strength and ROM are limited, and the accompanying Sjogern Syndrome limits her visibility. BK displayed functional internal and external rotation ROM at the shoulder joint, which facilitates her independence in grooming, dressing, feeding, and care for pets. However, during …show more content…

A CNA visits Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday to assist her with showering, and on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday she has a neighbor or family member over as she engages in occupations in the bathroom. After the morning routine attends to her role as pet owner taking care of her cat’s needs. BK has a habit of misplacing her reading glasses and cell phone, but always has her Life Alert around her neck. She has weekly visits from her son and sister as they both help with cleaning, while also spending time with BK at the park or watching their favorite television shows. These visits from family are extremely meaningful to BK as she wants to fulfill the demands of her roles as mother and sibling. She visits the senior center to engage in social participation and leisure activities on Mondays and Wednesdays. Tuesday is the day paratransit will take her to the grocery store, with the last Tuesday of each month being a Walmart trip. Once a week the CNA will change out her medication box and handle all her medication management. With the leftover time in the day she engages in passive leisure and …show more content…

Because her home is not ADA compliant there are numerous architectural barriers that hinder her functionality in the home. Her positive outlook on life, general positive affect, and available support system facilitates her social, and emotional well-being. Ability to use adaptive equipment and access to community support systems facilitates her occupational performance in ADLs and IADLs. BK would benefit from skilled OT services for the following: therapeutic exercises to help her increase postural stability, education for medication and time management that facilitates energy conservation. BK would benefit from smaller contextual modifications, and also is in need of advocating to the Arch Dioceses of Wilmington to make major changes to her home, both which will increase her occupational performance and congruence between her physical and personal

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