Black Culture During The 1990s Still Matters

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Black Culture During the 1990s Still Matters. Black culture in the 90s was an influential period in multiple ways for many years to come. Many things that became popularized by black people in the 1990s remain a big staple in today's world. Clothing, music, and acrylic nails are a part of what we see today, that dates back to the 90s. When people saw celebrities wear things like streetwear, they wanted to wear things like that too. People in the music industry had a heavy influence when it came to clothing trends that went on, and still currently do. Many of the artists that helped these types of clothing become popular, were black hip-hop artists. “ Rappers and DJs called out brands and designers in their lyrics, which influenced fans to buy their …show more content…

People continue to wear things like this in the current time, which was a style that was born in the 90s. Music. Music. Music. A heavy element of the world. Some of the most popular genres of music are R&B and Hip-Hop. I often see people reminisce about the music that came out in the 90s and how good it was. Today's music artists often sample older music to incorporate that sound into their own. “Fast-forward to present day where the influences and samplings trace back not only to the 80s, 90s, and 2000s, but continue to draw from the early days of the Blues, and R&B as we hear in the music of Alicia Keys, Kendrick Lamar, Lizzo, and many more.” Songs that black artists released in the 90s are still often played today. Their music was based on things that were happening in their society, which made it feel more genuine, and that is why it influenced a lot of other artists even in different genres. A lot of other popular culture was influenced by black people during the 90s. For instance, acrylic nails. “In the 1990s ornate acrylic nails