Bubonic Plague Analysis

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The Bubonic Plague is commonly referred to as the Black Death or the Black Plague. The plague lived through the oriental rat flea, or Xenopsylla cheopis. These fleas feed on blood and that is how they transmit the infection. The Black Death was one of the worst pandemics in human history. It traveled through Europe for over three years. It is responsible for millions of deaths throughout Europe in the 1340s. It is said to have killed up to 50 million between 1346 and 1350. The huge population decline served many economic consequences. The need for labor rose, while the population was decreasing. Despite not being thoroughly documented, there are many poems and other works of literature from this time period. The Black Plague changed the course of European history, resulting in massive social and economic …show more content…

To cite an instance, Brown University wrote, “because of illness and death workers became exceedingly scarce so even peasants felt the effects of the new rise in wages”(“social”). The population decline affected the economy in many ways. Though there were many negative consequences, there were also some positives, such as higher wages. Additionally, an excerpt from 'The Black Death’ reads “The Black Death did more than kill large numbers of people. It also altered many social customs disrupted trade, and made most people fearful of contact with strangers”(Bender 65). This quote tells us that the Plague caused issues with trade. This would make it very hard to find resources they did not have access to. The Plague also caused issues with Europe 's crops. For example, TheMidievalEra states “The plague was not only end of men, but animals and harvest too”(“Death”). Even the people who were not infected by the virus, faced famine and starvation. Those that were not killed by the plague were still greatly impacted. When the population desolates, you can only expect the economy to follow

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