yearly bubonic occurrences within the southwestern United States, this infection caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis has a notorious reputation all over the world. Its standing as a Category A Bioterrorist Agent and a Tier 1 Select Agent only increases the infamous status of the bacterium. However, to completely understand the plague, a person needs to understand the plague bacteria. Yersinia pestis is a gram-negative bacillus. It is predominately transmitted amongst rodents, but humans can become
We all know that the plague brought a tremendous amount of hardship upon Europe. The microbe Yersinia pestis caused more than a 30% decrease in Europe’s population. This microbe, we also know, was found in rodents and fleas that were all over Europe. This then led to a “long term shortage of workers” and the eventual decline in feudalism (Zimmer 2015). The thing we all do not know is that this microbe seems to have been in existence thousands of years before the plague outbreak in Europe. A recent
Death was one of the most shocking plagues ever to exist. It caused the deaths of approximately 75 to 200 million people, and was at its most devastating between 1346 and 1353. This highly contagious disease started with bacteria called Yersinia pestis. Yersinia pestis is mostly discovered in rodents, especially rats, and in the fleas that forage on them. Contact with other humans and fleabites spread the Black Death. The Black Death changed society in three significant ways. These were Religion, Medical
The Black Death The Black Death: The Medieval black plague that ravaged Europe and killed a third of its population. It was due to the plague which is caused by a bacterium (Yersinia pestis) transmitted to humans from infected rats by the oriental rat flea.“By all accounts, the Black Death spread from France in the summer of 1348 to the port of Weymouth on the southern coast of England, from whence it travelled very rapidly to other ports in both directions along the coast. It progressed up through
up in European countries. The Black Death, over a span of five years, killed 25 million people and it was almost impossible to survive. First, the Plague was just an outbreak of the bubonic plague, which is a disease, created by the bacteria Yersinia Pestis. The first known case of the Black Plague was recorded in China, 224 B.C.E. In 1348, twelve Genoese boats docked at the Sicilian port of Messina, Italy, after they had finished sailing the Black Sea. Rats that lived on the ships spread the Plague
The Black Death was a pandemic of plague that swept through Europe during the years of 1346-1353 (Benedictow). The plague is a disease that is caused by a bacteria called Yersinia pestis. This bacteria commonly infects rats and other rodents and is most often transmitted to humans by fleas that feed on the infected rats and then feed on humans (CDC). Rats are common, unwanted companions in large urban areas and more importantly, on ships. There are conflicting theories on where the plague that caused
The causitive agent of the Plague is Yersinia Pestis. It is a gram negative, zoonotic and epizootic. It is a rod shaped bacteria that is a meiotrophic organism. Some scientist have developed CryptFind which is a method of theorectically testing the genomes. There are limitied rescourses for doing research since this bacteria poses such a threat to society. Picture a man in a bird suit. He is wearing a hat, mask that looks like a bird beak, goggles, and a long gown. Sounds like a halloween costume
What is it? The plague is an infectious disease that attacks the body’s organs. It is caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis (named after Swiss bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin) lives in fleas and causes the Black Plague. These infected fleas would then bite rats, humans, ground squirrels, and prairie dogs. A majority of the infected fleas contained a mutated gene that allowed the bacteria to pass unto rats more efficiently. When did it begin? The first outbreak of the plague dates back to 400 B
their body to portray the symptoms. Bubonic plague can not be spread from person to person. Yersinia Pestis could spread to other people who have come in close contact with an infected person (Plague Occurs in U.S., But is Treatable). The infection takes 3-5 days to mature in someone before they would show symptoms of the Bubonic plague (Benedictow). After 1-6 days after coming in contact with Yersinia Pestis, people would be at risk for developing pneumonic plague ( Plague Occurs in U.S., But is
Bubonic plague, appears to have first occurred in the Central Asia in the early 1300s. The plague was disease that affects human and other mammals. It was caused by the bacteria, Yersinia Pestis. The plague is infamous for killing millions of people in Europe during the Middle Ages. The bacteria that causes plague, Yersinia Pestis, maintain their existence in a cycle involving rodents and their fleas. The plague bacteria can be transmitted to humans by flea bites of an infected area, contact with contaminated
boards and policies. The Black Death was an epidemic since the population experienced “a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.” The Black Death was caused by the bacterial strain Yersinia pestis, which is highly lethal. Yersinia pestis lives in the digestive system of fleas, and secondary carriers to the disease are rodents, as well as other common house and barn animals. The Black Plague was zoonotic and spread
severely ill. Over the next five years the plague continued to kill more than twenty million people in Europe. This was one third of the continent populations Scientists know the Black Death also known as the plaque is spread by bacillus called Yersinia Pestis. They know that the virus travel person to person, pneumatically or through the air. No one really understood why it was so communicable, no rational explanation for this contagious disease. Healthy people tried to avoid the disease as careful
articles relate to the Black Death (plague outbreak), few bring a different perspective, for example: • The Black Death Decoded explores elements analyzed with findings of a similar strain of Yersinia, as Zeigler alludes to Yersinia throughout his book. • The Black Death discusses the Genome of Yersinia pestis, which relates to the bacteria that causes bubonic plague (a definite point Zeigler argues). Of course, there have been a lot of questions and suspicions about the effects of the Black Death
did it impact the people of London during that time? The sources I will use are: The Influence of Bubonic Plague in England 1500-1667 by Alan D. Dyer, Plague in London: A Case Study of the Biological and Social Pressures Exerted by 300 Years of Yersinia Pestis by Alice Hall, and The Impact of the Plague on Human Behavior in Seventeenth Century Europe by Judy Staiano. With the help of these three sources, I will reach the answer
disease was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, which was spread by fleas that infested rats. The disease was characterized by the sudden onset of fever, chills, and swollen lymph nodes, called buboes, that often turned black and oozed pus. It first appeared in the 14th century in Central Asia and quickly spread to Europe, killing an estimated 25 million people, or about one-third of the continent's population. The disease was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, which was spread by fleas that
Is the historical Black Death similar, in any way, to Albert Camus’s The Plague? Like the hurricane that brings fear and panic along with its powerful winds that sweep out everything with it, the same happened both in real life and the fictional world. Despite the obvious differences between history and Camus’ fictional representation, the novel The Plague manages to accurately depict society’s reaction to the devastation of the plague, similar to the effects of the Black Death. Both Albert Camus’s
sheep. The bacteria can be found mainly in rats and in the fleas that feed on them. People and other animals can get plague from rat or flea bites” (GM). His article also explains that there are three possible ways by which contraction of Yersinia pestis plague bacteria occurs in humans and its symptoms. The first is Bubonic Plague and bubonic generally refers to the groin and
In 1340 an infectious disease was spread by wild rats that carried bacteria. The reason why it was so deadly and gross was because the wild rats would carry Yersinia Pestis, which the fleas of the rats would bite into them and then bite into the humans. This was called The Black Death, also known as the Plague. The Black Death killed millions of people. The Black Death was one of europe 's most devastating widespreads in human history. The symptoms of this deadly disease are Painful and swollen
Europe was in peril in the 1300s when the Bubonic Plague took the lives of upwards 50 percent of the European population. The plague was spread by a bacteria called Yersinia Pestis, which was carried in fleas that are mostly thought to have stayed on the backs of black rats, but many argue that the fleas spread on gerbils. Although many believe that gerbils spread the bubonic plague in 1300s Europe, it was in fact spread predominantly by rats that hosted the fleas that carried the disease, a poor
their people. The Black Death is originated in Central Asia, where it then travelled along the Silk road. It was most likely carried by Oriental the black rats.Black Death, now known as the plague, is spread by a bacillus (bacteria) called (Yersinia pestis).A French biologist Alexandre Yersin discovered this Bacterial cell in 19th century.From the research of Alexandre Emile Jean