Essay On Plague

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The Plagues and Vector-Borne Diseases that Should be Considered Plagues Plague. What is it? In Layman terms, it is basically the transmission of potential life threatening bacteria from the environment to human beings. Plague infected organisms are highly contagious and the chances of surviving from plague are also slim as often there is either lack of proper medical attention or not having a cure for the particular plague . Recently there have been various strains of bacteria that have acted as plague bacterium as they have similar characteristics as the original plague had. The similarities range from similar symptoms shown by both types of infected people to recorded mortality rate .So, can we categorize these vector borne …show more content…

But according to GM, in his news article, “More than 200 different rodents and species can serve as hosts. These include domestic cats and dogs, squirrels, chipmunks, marmots, deer mice, rabbits, hares, rock squirrels, camels, and sheep. The bacteria can be found mainly in rats and in the fleas that feed on them. People and other animals can get plague from rat or flea bites” (GM). His article also explains that there are three possible ways by which contraction of Yersinia pestis plague bacteria occurs in humans and its symptoms.

The first is Bubonic Plague and bubonic generally refers to the groin and

Khan 4 underarm region of the body. The Bacteria infect the lymph nodes when it enters via fluid contact with the diseased animal or fleas and infection especially occur in the armpit and groin region in persons suffering from bubonic plague. Firstly in the first 3-7 days flu symptoms appear primarily fever then the progression to chills, nausea, back pain, etc. are observed and then eventually swellings in the armpit and groin region are observed. These swellings are painful …show more content…

When plague is suspected and diagnosed early, a health care provider can prescribe specific antibiotics .The person should also be isolated to help prevent spread of plague. (GM)Also, certain antibiotics, Streptomycin,
Gentamicin, Chloramphenicol, Tetracycline’s and Fluorquinolone’s, are currently used in the early stages of the plague before the patient is in the grasp of the disease (Davis 5). Also, the estimates of the Y.peteris infections are that “[it] is rarely seen in the U.S. (about 13 infections are diagnosed per year with one recent year with 40 diagnosed); however, about 14% of people who are diagnosed in the
U.S. still die from the disease. The World Health Organization estimates about
2,900 individuals per year are diagnosed with plague currently. The prognosis of untreated plague is poor. About 50%-90% of infected individuals will die if untreated. Even with appropriate treatment, about 14% of treated patients will still die from the disease” (Davis

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