Black Death Vs Swine Flu

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Black death VS Swine flu (H1N1)

Black death and Swine flu were similar.The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics (disease) in human history, resulting in the deaths of one 3rd population of Europe in the years 1346–53. Both of diseases are spread by animals. Both diseases kills a huge amount of people and Both diseases change the society by killing their people.

The Black Death is originated in Central Asia, where it then travelled along the Silk road. It was most likely carried by Oriental the black rats.Black Death, now known as the plague, is spread by a bacillus (bacteria) called (Yersinia pestis).A French biologist Alexandre Yersin discovered this Bacterial cell in 19th century.From the research of Alexandre Emile Jean …show more content…

states. Within a year, recombinant form of flu strains from birds and humans.Swine flu killed 203,000 people.Swine flu(H1N1) was found in pigs and spreads from person to person.Swine flu(H1) was found in pigs in 1998.spreads from person to person, either by inhaling the virus or by touching surfaces contaminated with the virus, then touching the mouth or nose. Infected droplets are expelled into the air through coughing or sneezing.Vaccination were involving Swine flu.When an animal or human is infected it develops antibodies to protect against future infections by the same virus. However immunity also puts evolutionary pressure on the virus. While the old strain can no longer effectively infect its host, its mutated progeny is successful because the host’s immune system does not yet recognize the new strain as a threat.Human or animal body’s immune system evolves to protect it from viruses.Whether the swine flu virus also evolves to make him better and worst for his host.Trade helps Swine flu to increase,nfluenza is a zoonotic disease – one humans can catch from animals. Its history parallels the rise of domestication of livestock and increase in trade. As poultry and pig production has intensified, increased in scale and become an international trade commodity, the frequency and severity of influenza outbreaks in birds and pigs have also increased. Now, we have a full-fledged human disease pandemic caused by a virus derived …show more content…

Infected droplets are expelled into the air through coughing or sneezing.Both diseases were increased by trade.The disease initially followed Caravan routes and then, with aid of European Shipping and the accompanying rats, by 1346 arrived in the Crimea. The spread of the disease had started throughout the known world.Swine flu history parallels the rise of domestication of livestock and increase in trade. As poultry and pig production has intensified, increased in scale and become an international trade commodity, the frequency and severity of influenza outbreaks in birds and pigs have also increased. Now, we have a full-fledged human disease pandemic caused by a virus derived from hybrid swine flu virus that originated on a North Carolina factory pig farm in 1998.Both disease had same symptoms at some point like The symptoms of Black death (Yersina pestis) were headache,vomiting,high fever,mental disorientation (disorder),intense sleep and buboes

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