
Black Holes: A Narrative Fiction

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At that moment, Henrik witness Water, the vagabond, simultaneously grabbing his chest and passing out. Henrik, along with Peter, rush over to help Walter. Peter tells Henrik to go grab help because he believes Walter is having a heart attack. Henrik run out of the inn, yelling for help. That's when he runs into Liam who was on his way to the inn after talking to Father Tucker. Liam asks Henrik what he yelling about. Henrik explains to Liam that Walter has passed out and maybe having a heart attack. The both of enter the inn to aid Water. Liam leans down to Water and asks him what happened. Walter explains in a winded voice that he was exploring near the monetary when he was touched by a wight. Liam fear the worst and begins to whispers some foreign word, then touches Walter. Some of Water's color retunes to his face, a good sign that Liam's healing magic worked. Liam hoped no one saw him using magic, that wouldn't bode well for him. As Liam was looking around to see who was all at the inn today, the rest of his friends walk through the door. …show more content…

He passes along the information that Walter gave him. The group decided to visit the hole as soon as possible. Liam thought it would be best if they geared up for their small adventure. Abelard mentioned Hrothgar, the general store owner, as being the best person to achieve said gear. Henrik had heard about a rumor his dad was in town, he decided to follow that lead while everyone else gathered gear. Ygritte and Beckah decided to tag along with Henrik since they thought Hrothgar was creep man. Liam and Abelard paired up and visited Hrothgar at the general store, while the girls followed Henrik into the forest looking for

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