Black Mold Research Paper

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None wants harmful, toxic molds and mildews to grow inside domestic places causing various health issues. To stop mold growth and protect your home from black molds, you should know some basic things about them. As an informed person you can choose better remediation and fight the battle cleverly.

Molds are significant for ecosystem. By degrading complex organic matter molds complete the food chain. However, black mold and mildew when grow inside building environment cause health problems. Exposure to molds often results in allergic responses. Human beings and pets suffer a lot from toxic black molds. Common symptoms of mold exposure are asthma, runny noses, irritation of eyes, sneezing, skin rash or something more serious.

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Optimum Temperature

Molds and mildews grow heavily when all the above factors are present adequately. To stop mold generation, it is suggested not to let these factors consolidate under one roof. Let’s see how:

1. Food Source: Molds do not have chlorophyll; they obtain nutrition from dead organic matters. It’s simply impossible to remove all organic matters from your home. Basically molds can grow anywhere and obtain nutrition from adjacent components. The best remediation is to clean your home regularly. This will interrupt mold lifecycle and your home will be protected. However, never leave any food uncovered. Molds can start growing in foods too causing food poisoning.

2. High Humidity: Moisture is one of the essential factors mandatory for mold growth. Without any water source, black mold can never grow. Thus, to prevent mold growth, repair all water leakage problems, never leave wet clothes unattended in room, and use dehumidifiers to control relative humidity of building environment.

3. Inadequate Ventilation: Mold spores, hyphal and mycelial fragments get aerosolized and then float here and there through air current or any other conveyor. Places which are poorly ventilated, count high mold spore concentration which doubles the chance of mold contamination. Smooth flow of air wipes mold spores out of the building environment and keeps the place safe. A quality ventilator with air-purification system could help to keep the place