
Garvey Vs Dubois Analysis

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Oppression is the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner (Dictionary). Specifically, black oppression has been an ongoing problem people of color have been enduring for years. For example, some keys movements of black oppression included slavery and treatment during the civil rights era. People of color were exasperated with oppression and could tolerate it no longer. Many have thought of solutions concerning black oppression. The problem that occurs with these innovative ideas for change is that ideas often clash and many people of color do not agree on the way in which the change should be implemented. Due to this conflict arises. Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. DuBois had different opinions about black oppression and the ways to approach the issue. In this essay, the two activists, Garvey and Dubois will be compared on their differing views of black oppression.
The problem of black …show more content…

For Marcus Garvey, he was pro-capitalism, anti-colonialism and cared for the proletariat (the working class) (Billingslea, 84). Garvey believed in capitalism because he admired the way the European powers had built their economies from it. He too speculated, if African-Americans acquired goods/services from each other, the same system could also bless them in their favor. This also went into favor for his cause of wanting to establish Africa as a nation for black people globally. With anti-colonialism, he had a strong feeling that people of color should be self-sufficient and should not have depended on the white man for anything. This also conclude that he did not want any part of Europe or America controlling Africa. Marcus Garvey connected with various black individuals in the working class, despite that a majority of these people were unemployed/underpaid. They were willing to help because they related to Garvey. This was why he had such a massive support

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