Black Power In The 1960s

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Black Power in the 1960s When we hear about the black power movement many have a great misunderstanding towards what it really was. A lot of people consider it to be the same thing as the Civil Rights movement, but no. African-Americans aimed for different political roles as well as being equally treated by establishing a self-sufficient economy and being an isolated community, not harmed neither touched by the whites. The black power movement was one of the defining events in the history of African-Americans. The main point of it was to prove to the entire nation the fact that each person is the same and has the same rights. The blacks were tired of slavery and claimed that because of it, their …show more content…

When we think blacks back in the day, we think slavery. These people were terribly mistreated and had been under generations of assault. African-Americans were often arrested, murdered and faced much cruelty what they understood to be called as racism. All they could ever think of was surviving and self-defense. The blacks also stated that the constitution was disobeyed since constitutional rights towards them were broken. The 1960s were the highest point of African-American struggle towards equality and many historically important events that changed the course of history for these people took place. The 1950s gave the blacks hope for an improving and better future without being violent. Many groups such as SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) were formed by the African-Americans including young aged activists in order to peacefully change the situation and circumstances they had to deal with. Yearning for equality and trying to prove it right, African-Americans began to capture the attention of the media. Most of such demonstrations happened in the 1960s, college students at an isolated counter at Woolworth’s in North Carolina sat down for lunch and when ordered to leave, refused to do so. The situation caught the eye of the media and similar demonstrations became if one might say, popular throughout the Southern part of the country. Rallies were also organized and over 200,000 citizens gathered in order to demonstrate their strong need and hunger for equality. The culminating point in African-American history came with their leader Martin Luther King Junior who spoke about civil rights. The following years, after different acts were passed out on account of voting and civil rights of African-Americans, some blacks saw the need for being separated with the whites and maintain