1960s Dbq

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Racial discrimination became a problem for African Americans throughout the 1960s. It commenced with the Jim Crow laws that promoted segregation for African Americans. Leading for African Americans to become segregated from public facilities and treated unfairly. At the time it was clear that in the eyes of Jim Crow and others who thought just like him, he saw those with black skin as unworthy and unequal compared to their white skin. Plessy fought to be “separate but equal” in their community. African Americans worked hard to end segregation and obtain the rights they deserve. During the civil right movement in the 1960s, there were many events that had an influence in changing goals, strategies, and support groups that started thinking one …show more content…

They were seen protesting in marches and joining small groups that grew with size over time. They worked towards their goal by conducting protest that were non violent. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) volunteered to register them to vote in 1960-1968 in Mississippi. By having an African American vote, they would gain power and were a step closer to be seen as equal as everyone else. There was an increase of an African Americans who registered to vote . On the march to Selma, Martin Luther King Jr. and Southern Christian Leadership Conference target was to have more African Americans register to vote, but they had a difficulty since they had them recite the literacy test. (Doc E) Martin Luther King Jr. was successful in getting his message across through nonviolence tactics. He would create peaceful protest which made him get far in accomplishing his goals. Then during the 1968 presidential elections, the majority of the white community voted for …show more content…

This group changed to become more violent and gain their rights by arming themselves and fight for what belongs to them. Their strategy was to fight with weapons and the level of chaos increased. (Doc B) Stokely Carmichael, leader of the black power wanted to create riots in the black community and promote fear. (Doc D) In the late 1960s, the Watts riots took place in Los Angeles in a black community, which left 34 dead, 1,032 injured, nearly 4,000 arrested in this five day riot. When the Board of Education allowed for schools to integrate color students to an all white school, some of them did not want the students to be allowed to enter. Central High School called the National Guard to forbid the Little Rock nine to enter. Off campus you were able to see the white students waiting for the nine students to enter. The white student began to protest for them to leave and screamed that they will never integrate with them. The white student did not see themselves equal as the color students. The Board of Education guidelines has stated that the schools should integrate African Americans in their schools. The Board of Education is showing that that school has finished their job by allowing one African American in their school. Having only one child integrate in schools was not enough and they did not possess a diverse residential area. (Doc