Black Tailed Prairie Dogs Essay

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I have chosen to write my special special paper about Black–tailed prairie dogs. The scientific name for them is Cynomys Iudovicianus. Prairie dogs were once found from the great plains from southern Canada to northern Mexico. They were once eradicated from Arizona. In the United States today they survive on the plains of Montana, Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, and Wyoming. Us humans have no use for them at this time. Its hard for me to say yes or no if the prairie dog would be considered domesticated, because not many people have them as a pet and they are considering an exotic pet. Also to be considered when capturing them they are vacuumed out of a hole in the wild.
Dietary needs for them are they eat certain types of grass the names are Western wheatgrass, blue grama, buffalograss, scarlet globemallow, sedges, flowering plants, roots, and seed. They don’t drink water in the wild they get in from their food. Prairie dogs in captivity need to eat a high fiber pellet diet. Dried timothy grass or timothy hay cubes and whole oats. Fresh vegetables like carrots, sweet potato’s, green beans, peaches, blueberries, mealworms and collard greens. Corn on the cob is a favorite food for them to eat. Do not feed them the green part of …show more content…

The enrichment need to mimic their natural environment would be to have something that they can dig into like a container filled of dirt or peanut packing. The second type of enrichment is a tunnel they can crawl in and out off. Example would be like a tunnel made of a pvc pie. To stimulate their tunnel instinct from being in the wild. Common behavioral issues with captive prairie dogs is they are destructive to your household appliances and furniture mainly anything that the can get their teeth on too. As well as they like to escape outside of the house to go out to explore. They also tend to bite and can cause blood from the