
Blackfish Documentary Analysis

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Imagine living your whole life in a bathtub, separated from your family, and forced to put on a show to entertain people. How long you could you live in a life like that? The documentary Blackfish, was released in 2013 and directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite. It is a very eye opening movie that really makes you feel strongly against keeping animals in captivity and everyone should get the chance to watch it. Living in your own natural habitat should not be a privilege, it should be a right. Orca whales are forced to live in small tanks with other Orcas instead of their family. Believe it or not, Orca’s have a lifespan as long as humans, but in captivity they are only living up to 25-30 years. Employees at Seaworld and other theme parks are telling visitors false information that the Orcas live longer there than they do in the wild, and that is it normal for them to only live that up to that age. Their life is decreasing because their tanks are too small for them to live in, poor diet, anger towards each other because of stress, life without their family, and harm towards themselves from anxiety and boredom. They are losing years off their life because of captivity, when they could be living at least twice as long in the ocean. …show more content…

This causes aggression and violence that you would not normally see in the wild because they are usually with their family. Orcas are highly social animals and have a very emotional part of the brain us humans do not have. In the wild they stay in groups of 2-15 and in some populations they stay with their mothers their whole life. As a result from being separated, whales are getting seriously injured or dying, and some are forced to be left in a smaller tanks as punishment or protection, making them completely immobile. What kind of life is this to

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