Blackfoot Dam Analysis

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The target audience of this campaign are individuals who are from the Blackfoot reserve, and are between the ages of 30 to 65 of either sex. The goal of this campaign is to educate the adults of the tribe about the negative aspects of the dam. The purpose of targeting individuals 30 to 65 instead of the younger generation is due to the fact that this group is more concerned with the implications the dam will have, whether environmentally and/or financially. In addition, this age group is more intune with previous challenges faced in regards to Native land and corporations like Duplessis wanting to use it. For instance, Eli and Norma are prime examples of the target group as they are members of the Blackfoot tribe and the production of the dam …show more content…

Through innovative marketing to the adults through various mediums, this campaign reveal aspects of the dam that have been hidden from the public. This campaign should appeal to this target group as directly relates to their surrounding— the land of their ancestors. To elaborate, voicing how the dam will impact the tribe draws the consumer 's attention and allows them to analysis if this dam should even be built. In addition, it causes them to critically think about the promises set by Duplessis and if they are realistic or not. The unique aspect of this campaign is not telling this target group what side they should be on or report bias propaganda, but rather have them evaluate introspectively if this dam is beneficial to their reserve with the information they are exposed …show more content…

Since the target age varies between the Millennial generation, Generation X, and the Boom generation, promotion of the will be done via Facebook, campaign website, radio ads, and posters. For individuals who are part of the Millennial generation (30 to 35), they will be targeted through content marketing. The social media site Facebook will be used to create a page where information about the negative aspects of the dam are posted. Having this information presented in this form will allow consumers to view and share the provided information. In addition, a website for the campaign will be produce to market information. In order to appeal to people, the website will include facts, quizzes, open forums, and links to share the website to various media outlets (like Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and etc). Since majority of the target audience belong to the Generation X and the Baby Boom generation, they will be targeted using conventional media like radio ads and posters. Radio ads will be used to convey straight-to-the-point facts and information about the danger of the dam. In addition, posters will be used in similar fashion to convey the important elements of the campaign’s stance on the impact the dam will have. Since all marketing venues reach a large amount of people, the sharing to information will expand to audiences that were not initially targeted to as