Blanche Dubois Case Study Outline

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NAME OF PATIENT: Blanche Dubois

DATE OF BIRTH: 22/10/1920

OCCUPATION: Unemployed

SEX: Female

AGE: 28

CRIMINAL HISTORY: vulgar relationship with her student, hotel charges were not payed.

CELL PHONE NUMBER: (504) 7654-8647

ADDRESS: Elysian Fields, New Orleans, Los Angeles, The United States of America



DIAGNOSIS: Palinacousis, hallucinations, phengophobia, social appearance disorder or gerascophobia, pseudologia fantastica, histrionic and borderline personality disorder, acute stress disorder (anxiety disorder), Post-traumatic stress disorder, alcohol abuse.

Palinacousis: Blanche …show more content…

Linking to her phobia of light(Phengophobia), Blanche refuses to be seen in the light. When blanche was admitted, Harold Mitchelle had informed the nurse that blanche had lied about her real age when they first met. So, this could justify her phobia of light as she doesn’t want to reveal her real appearance and the wrinkles on her face. When she first came I noticed that her face was packed with powder, and foundation, so that she could hide behind her facade. When the male nurse walks in, she tends to face the blinds, and switch of the lights, which is rather ironic as she speaks to them flirtatiously. Blanche could have Gerascophobia because she believes that if she exposes her real appearance, no one would want to be with her. Being in a relationship is her escape from reality.

pseudologia fantastica(mythomania): Blanche was described as a pathological liar by her brother in law, Stanley Kowalski and Harold Mitchelle. She presented herself from an elite class, elegant, and prim. She has lied about being an alcoholic and how she never actually lived in the flamingo hotel. Ms. DuBois also lied about why she really ‘quit’ her job as a teacher in the school she used to teach in. Ms. DuBois has made lying a part of her, in fact so much that she herself has started believing in them. Therefore, she must be treated with electric shock therapy to stop the pathological …show more content…

and Mrs. Kowalski claimed that Ms. DuBois had shown drastic changes in behaviorisms and emotional swings. Blanche also gave herself every opportunity to make herself the center of attraction. According to Stanley, when she talks she only talks about herself. Stella also mentioned that when talking blanche manipulated her words in such a way that people were in a way obliged to compliment her. This diagnosis could also correlate with the diagnosis of Gerascophobia (fear of