Assignment: Mental Health Assessment

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NUR 348 Assignment: Mental Health Assessment Based on the beliefs, expertise, and experiences of Miller (2015), assessment of the older adult commences by properly identifying oneself and progresses with the identification of risk factors and ascertaining readiness for behavioral change through the use of reciprocal communication, active listening, and keen observation (p. 424). Undoubtedly, appraising risk factors and assessing an individual’s level of knowledge, in addition to their unique beliefs, values, and concerns regarding the risks and rewards of incorporating prevention interventions (p. 424). It is wise to remember some of the barriers that contribute to the challenges of assessing older adults, which can include: age, gender, culture, health literacy, multiple chronic conditions, manifestations of illness, cognitive impairments, and myths and misunderstandings (p. 99). S.B. is a 69-year-old female who is a retired English teacher and widow with two adopted young adult children (son and daughter). She is highly motivated, self-efficient, and cognitively and physically functional. She lives in a small rural community with her significant other (nonmarital) and has an active support group consisting of family and friends in …show more content…

S.B. has no history of anxiety disorder and denies all symptoms (i.e., feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge, as well as not being able to stop or control worrying) after being asked how frequently she has experienced these problems over the last two weeks S.B. (personal communication, March 20, 2018). This question and its related symptoms embody the first two areas of the seven-item generalized anxiety disorder (GAD-7) scale, and according to Jarvis (2016), anxiety disorders are common, debilitating, and frequently undiagnosed/untreated (p. 72). Furthermore, Jarvis recommends that if the first two items in the GAD-7 yield positive results, the following five elements should be completed (p.