Mental Status Assessment Paper

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Mental Status Assessment Appearance Client greeted me at her door with a big anticipating smile on her face. She is a very attractive well groom lady for her age which is 66. She wears black frame glasses that accent her caramel skin tone. She appeared to be very relaxed in her aqua shorts, white sleeveless blouse and house ivory shoes. Her hair was in braids and pulled back in a ponytail. She had good posture even though she appeared to be relaxed. She does not appear to be overweight and seems to be in good health. She was very polite and soft spoken, very articulate and expressed herself very well. She had eye contact through most of the interview, but there were times when she would look off when discussing certain parts of the interview. …show more content…

Now she is trying to think through her situation to see if she can find a way of getting her finances back to being able to manage on a daily basis. She is afraid of using too much of her 401k to the point it will be gone. Her judgment appears to be good because she is trying to seek some sought of help to get through this financial situation she finds herself in. She is doing this by trying to return to school and seek employment. She also hopes that this interview session will leave her with a link to an agency that can help her work things out. 8. Insight Client know that her financial problems is causing her distress but in looking into her past she don’t seem to see that things from her past may be affecting the present. The client may be able to work through her financial issues but there may be issues from her past that she may need to work through with the help of therapy. Such as abandon by her son’s father when she was sixteen years of age. Also, being left to fend for herself when she was young by her parents; the time she used too much alcohol to cope. She also feels that her age may keep her from getting employment. 9.