Blank Slate: Are People Born Good Or Evil?

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Have you ever wondered if people are born naturally good or evil? well, you are not the only one, in this essay I'm going to be talking about all the reason people are naturally born good or with as some would call it a “Blank Slate.” This popular phrase was created by John Locke, and it was to help explain that when a child is born, they do not know anything, but over time as parents nurture their child the way that they nurture is the way they learn how to be towards other people either good or bad. In the past I have looked at cases between children being nurtured and children being natured, nurture means that they are taken care of by parents and nature is when a child learns how to survive on their own known as “Feral Children”. Some examples …show more content…

These feral children know nothing about the real world or how to use the bathroom or have trouble learning to walk upright after walking on fours all their lives or display a complete lack of interest in the human activity around them. Whereas nurture is when a parent takes care of you and shows you how the world works and how to act and how to be around other people. So, to me people are born with a “Blank slate” or as you would call it born good, but overtime children learn and observe the way people act towards certain people so I believe that parents and the way they act and who they have around their children may affect how their children act around people and might start picking up those unpleasant habits that they learned because no one told them that is not what your to do. As generations grow people evolve physically and technically, people back in the day used to have a whole unfamiliar perspective of the world back then to how the world acts now. The reasons I agree with john Locke is because peer pressure is a thing and everything must be learned no one can be born good or bad they decide how they are going to act and the same way with …show more content…

When people are born, they learn the difference between right and wrong thought life experiences, for example when you are a child, and your parents tell you not to do something, but you do it anyway and must learn the consequences for doing the wrong thing but as the children grow over more time, they start to notice the things they can do and the things that they can't do, so when a person is faced with a choice of doing something good or bad there can be lots of factors of why a person wouldn’t choose good for example “peer pressure” or they were taught that the wrong thing is the right thing to do. Fear can affect a lot of the world but the only way that you can allow it to affect you is if you allow it to affect you fear is something physical but mental you can let the fear control you or you can use the fear to your best advantage and use it to help you overcome that certain