Blessed Virgin Mary Research Paper

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The Blessed Virgin Mary has been the most important of all created beings and she is the first in everything in all aspects of her life. She is the first and the only human being to physically carry God in her arms into the Temple of worship. God has been spiritually present in the Temple but she actually brought God in flesh and blood to the temple to interact with humans who were made to worship Him. This very action alone is enough to make all the ages to call her blessed. For Jesus had even pronounced blessing on the eyes of those who were opportune to see him, “…blessed are your eyes, because they see…Amen, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, …” Matthew 13:16, how then would the …show more content…

On those other occasions she had been going into the temple to worship God but on this occasion she entered the temple with God in her arms to present in the temple. The God she had been worshiping in the Spirit was going in with her in the flesh into the temple. The Lord of the Sabbath is brought into the temple by a creature who by the special Grace of God shared flesh and blood with Him and would be protecting him as his mother. That is why, of all women she is the most blessed – singular privilege of a creature being a mother to the creator. It takes the Grace of God for one to understand the position of the blessed Mother in the history of human salvation.
In the act of carrying Jesus into the temple, our Blessed Virgin Mary first and foremost did it as a duty expected of a mother. The Blessed Virgin Mary though still very young compared to the Old dispensation figures made history as the first human being to physically carry the Lord into the temple of the Lord. She was blessed in all ramifications. Before the Blessed Mother brought Jesus into the temple, the people had already been worshipping the Lord in the temple in Spirit. The Blessed Virgin Mary carried him into the Temple to fulfill the Mosaic Law. Here is how St. Luke reports the