The Great Gatsby Quotes

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“Chorus Leader: ‘Did you perhaps go further than you have told us?’ Prometheus: ‘I caused mortals to cease foreseeing death.’ Chorus Leader: ‘What cure did you provide against that sickness?’ Prometheus: ‘I placed in them blind hopes.’” (Prometheus Bound, Line 247) Humans are lazy: they were born without knowing why and they seldom try to seriously search for an answer; they were sent to schools without knowing why and they usually just follow parents’ orders; they are way too lazy to think deeply since to swim in a tide is both physically and mentally more acceptable than to stop, to stand out, and to question: “Why do I live?” This sort of laziness is derived from their “blind hopes,” blind hopes that cause them to believe they will at least not die today or tomorrow, blind hopes that cover the truth: Their lives may end at any point of time. By holding these blind hopes, …show more content…

Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I’ve watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.” Batty pierces Deckard’s blind hopes by these sentences, transmitting to Deckard a massage that people’s lives are only “tears in rain.” This soliloquy reminds people of Nietzsche again: in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Zarathustra speaks: “My death I praise to you, the free death which comes to me because I want it. And when shall I want it? He who has a goal and an heir will want death at the right time for his goal and heir.” (On Free Death, Book 1, Thus Spoke Zarathustra) In the movie, audiences see Batty trying to stay conscious by hurting himself when he is chasing Deckard and, immediately after his soliloquy, he dies. This, in a way, can be understood as Batty’s free death: he passes his golden ball (his soliloquy) to his heir (Deckard) and then chooses to