Blood Pattern Analysis Of First Degree Murder

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On May 6, 2013, Tim Bosma took two men to a test drive of truck, and he disappeared. The Crown says he was shot in his truck, his body was then burned in an incinerator. These two men were Dellen Millard, 30, and Mark smich, 28. They are now on trial for first degree murder. Crown believes that Tim was shot fatally while sitting in the passenger seat of the truck, his body was later cremated. Sgt. Robert Jones Waterloo police gave their conclusions about the bloodstains found in and on the truck. Jones was concluded clearly that blood found is with a total probability from Tim Bosma. Many of the spots both inside and outside of the truck, Jones testified, appeared to have been cleaned. Blood stains found on the undercarriage of the truck were also probably the result of cleaning The blood pattern analysis can determine the number of impacts, the location of the impact, the movement of people and objects during and after the bloodshed, the position while blood is spilled.

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