
Blue Eye In Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye

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Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, tells a story of a young black girl, Pecola Breedlove, who desires blue eyes because she is deemed ugly by all of her peers. All of her life, Pecola is mocked for the way she looks and presents herself. She dreams of having blue eyes because she thinks that if she did have them, she would be beautiful and she would be loved. Pecola Breedlove, a character in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, desires to have blue eyes because she is not happy with her appearance, her difficult life at home, and the affects society has on her. Since Pecola Breedlove is has been taught all her life that she is ugly, she thinks that she can only achieve true beauty by having blue eyes. The narrator says, “Only a miracle could relieve …show more content…

Pecola is bullied because she is dark skinned, which makes her ugly. The narrator describes what Pecola does when she gets bullied: “Pecola edged around the circle crying. She had dropped her notebook, and covered her eyes with her hands” while Maureen Paul screamed, “I am cute! And you ugly black e mos” (66,73). Pecola is constantly bullied at school because she is ugly. Children are not the only people in the community that bullies Pecola, adults talk about her and call her names. A mixed woman once said to Pecola, “You nasty little black bitch. Get out of my house” (92). This woman judged Pecola based on the way she looked- black and poor. As well as being bullied, Pecola is sometimes ignored. The grocery man refused to look at Pecola, “He does not see her, because for him, there is nothing to see” (48). The constant bullying and loneliness affects Pecola in a negative way, “Each night, without fail, she prayed for blue eyes”, hoping that she will be accepted and loved by her community (46). The way Pecola’s community treats and views Pecola, makes Pecola realize that the only way she will be accepted will be if she has blue eyes because with blue eyes, she will be

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