Bob Hicok Prodigal Analysis

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The late Greek philosopher Heraclitus once stated “Big results require big ambitions” and that could not be any more accurate. In Bob Hicok’s poem, Prodigal, there are many lines that directly relate to being an ambitious individual. I feel that it is ambition that drives an individual to get where they are dreaming of going. Lines 1-2 state “You could drive out of this country/and attack the world with your ambition,” this is a great way for Hicok to begin the poem as it really hooks the reader as most people can relate to these lines. Personally, I will be driving from my home outside of Hussar, Alberta to begin to chase my ambition to become an agronomist. In September 2017 I will be attending one of the top agriculture schools in Canada, University of Saskatchewan. This goal, however, has not been an easy one to achieve. So far in my …show more content…

One can be a “clod hopper, a farmer’s kid” (Line 13) but still do great things in this world with the right amount of drive within them. Personally, I relate to that very strongly as I myself, am a farmer’s boy. I was once told, “You farm kids don’t work for anything.”, “Do you have the grades for that school?” and “You better thank your grandpa for everything that you have,” all within the same conversation before I could interject a single word. Being told that did one thing to me and one thing only; it lit a fire in my soul and ever since that day I have worked even longer and harder to prove that it has been my ambition that has gotten me to where I am today, not just my grandfather’s. I have a deep drive in myself to make that said person “eat their words up in their kitchen” so to speak. I want to be remembered for a long time as being the one to create a state-of-the-art variety of resistant canola seed that resists against multiple diseases and pests all at once, one that will require fewer applications of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides from the