Jamie Johnson created the documentary film "Born Rich" with the help of other members of affluent families to discuss the privileges of aristocracy. Aristocracy is a privileged, primarily hereditary ruling class, or a form of government controlled by such an elite. The viewer can understand the role of this status group, see the similarities as well as differences we share, and are able to relate.
I do not believe all members of society are comfortable with the system of stratification, but we understand the roles that one plays. The individuals showcased in the video "Born Rich" are prime examples of an ascribed status. They themselves did not attain their position of status through their own personal attributes, they just inherited it. I
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Luke Weil referred to wanting to be "indispensable" in his field of work and I completely relate with this statement. My father always told me he doesn 't care what I do in life if I 'm the best at it. My father works as an injection molding technician and makes a substantial amount of money. What my father lacked in education he made up for with his work ethic and dedication. He surpassed individuals with a degree and ironically, they work under his supervision. Every establishment he left raved about how much of an asset they just lost and how hard it was to find someone who remotely shared his work ethic. I want to be such
[Last Name] 2 a successful asset in my career field that it 's hard to replace me as well. I want to believe everything I worked so hard for was worth it.
"Born Rich" was a delightful insight to a high social class. As the viewer, you can get a better understanding of these individuals ' mindsets and beliefs which help you relate. These members of affluent families discuss the pleasing and displeasing benefits of ascribed wealth which I never took into consideration. This documentary allowed me to reflect on my own life and experiences which made it that much more of an interesting