
Bob Marley Research Paper

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The term reggae means regular. Reggae is one of the most popular musical genres whose origin is Jamaica. This type of music brought revolution in the Jamaican music scene in a manner that has never been seen before in other parts of the world. The popularity of reggae has spread through the world and penetrated cultures where it was not imagined. In Jamaica, it remains the most important form of music. Reggae culturally plays a significant role in the manner in which the Jamaicans define themselves and their country. The cultural and social impact of this genre has been felt in Jamaica and in other parts of the world where the music has been embraced. In addition to this, reggae has also raised the need to understand the Jamaican culture as …show more content…

That is Robert Nesta Marley. He was popularly known as Bob Marley (1945-1981), a Jamaican musician and songwriter who gained international popularity through his reggae music. Bob Marley introduced reggae and the Rastafarian religion in the international stage. The primary theme of his songs was call for a just world and freedom from oppression for the oppressed. According to White (2000), Marley relied on his lyrics to pass his message of justice and fight against oppression. He believed Jah, (God) bestowed upon him the gift of music through which he were to call his people to tread the path of justice and freedom. Most people know Bob Marley. However, his accomplishment in music and message are not well understood to many, White (2000). He was more than just a musician but an inspiration to many in his native Jamaica, Africa and beyond. His music appealed to the poor and downtrodden as he gave them hope not to despair. One of his profound works was the song One Love/People Get …show more content…

It Is easy to say that almost the whole world have been culturally influenced by reggae music and its Rastafarian message. Globalization that has enabled Jamaicans to migrate as well as Bob Marley's huge success as a reggae artist have played a major role in spreading these fundamental elements of Jamaican culture throughout the world. In addition to this, people from other countries such as America and Europe are attracted by reggae music because of its militant, rebellious and spiritual message alongside its positive and universal message dealing with the concept of unity, religion and love. Rasta symbols such as dreadlocks, Ethiopian colors, and the portrait of Emperor Haile Selasie, ganja or military clothing are also significant to be part of what attract the foreign audience to

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