Bobby Joe Simmons Murders Essay

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We have had many murder cases over the course of time. There have been murders that swept across the nation some are murders most people haven't even heard of. But that doesnt mean these murders don’t matter. Some of the murders that people haven't heard of are some of the worst ones out there. But murders aren't the only death cases that happen in Arkansas there are also many suicide cases that go unheard of.
One murder that goes unheard of by most is one of the worst murders in Arkansas is the Bobby Joe Burns murder case in Fort Smith, Arkansas. This case happened over 50 years ago. Before those fateful events on that monday of January Bobby Joe Burns had already had to previous encounters with the law. These run in were both caused by narcotic …show more content…

Ronald Gene Simmons was what is call a “spree killer”. He murdered 16 people 14 of which were his family members. These murders began on December 22 and went on until December 28, 1987. After simmons was finished killing his family he proceeded with his rampage in Russellville Arkansas killing 2 and leaving 4 injured. It was decided by the court that a short time before the Christmas of 1987 Simmons had began to plan killing his family. On December 22 Simmons first shot his son Gene and wife Rebecca at his home in Dover. He shot them with a .22 caliber pistol. He next killed his 3 year old granddaughter by strangling her. Simmons killed his 17 year old daughter Loretta, by strangling her and holding her underwater in a rain barrel. Next, Simmons methodically killed three other of his children, Eddy, Marianne, and Becky, the same way. The remaining members of the Simmons family arrived for their Christmas visit on December 26. When his son Billy and Billy’s wife Renata arrived they were both shot and killed. Next Simmons strangled Billy and Renata’s 20-month-old son Trae. Following the killings, Simmons shot and killed his oldest daughter Sheila, his daughter he had allegedly sexually abused and her husband, Dennis McNulty. Simmons then strangled the child he had fathered with Sheila, 7-year-old Sylvia Gail, and finally his 21-month-old grandson Michael. Simmons then laid the the bodies of five of his