Body Image And Media Essay

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It is better to be sane than sick. Nowadays, social media has made a big impact on our lives, it is everywhere. Whether it is TV, magazines apps, or even billboards, people and society have become obsessed with having the perfect body. The media puts out these images and video of unattainable bodies. It has made stars out of people who were nothing with a view and belief that this is the new norm and that everyone can achieve this by buying a product or workout routine that was seen on TV. Unfortunately it comes at a price, that affects men, women, young and old alike. It creates mental illness involving obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in appearance no matter how minor which is a dissociative and somatic symptom disorder. Most people think that only females body image is impacted by media, but it is not only them, men get affected by the media as well. This paper will show and discuss all the different reasons the media impacts our body image. Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) has become a growing issue in todays …show more content…

a guy with “chiseled abs, bulging biceps, perfect pecs(Polatis).” Those images which are being displayed everywhere such as movies, TV shows and advertisement are impacting males body image in a negative way. It is making them believe that they have to look like that or else they won’t be happy. They are contributing to the idea that us normal people will never be good enough unless we look like what we see on the media. Since men can’t achieve that goal, it leads to some of them taking extreme measure to lose weight, which then lead to eating disorders. “A perfect body does not mean equal life satisfaction(Brennan).” Meaning that just because you do not have a perfect body doesn't mean that you won’t have life satisfaction. Because if you achieve, that perfect body by doing harmful things to your body like not eating then you will not be having a good healthy