
Body Image In America Essay

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Body image in America is a major topic that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Body image can be interpreted in both a positive and negative way. Teens and adults all around the world suffer from eating disorders, the negative effect of today’s body image in America. Through analyzing changing body images in today and past societies, eating disorders, and countries taking a step forward to help end this obscenity, we can further understand body image. Body image is defined as the subjective picture or mental image of one’s own body. Body image in today’s society is completely different from what it might have been seventy years ago. For example, in the 1940’s and 1950’s, skinny women were seen as being hopeless with their romantic …show more content…

There have been several debates about whether or not the models should be very thin or just have your everyday average body type in magazines and advertisements. “France's proposed crackdown on thin models purports to be about healthy body image, but it's also a reminder to girls that they are permanently being judged on their appearance.” (Rosewarne). For years, several countries have been in a heated debate over using stick-thin models to advertise their products. “In May, France became the latest country to pass legislation banning the use of fashion models deemed to be “excessively thin”.” (Sykes). In return, this movement has inspired other countries to do the same. With this ban, models are required to have a valid medical certification showing they are completely fit to work. This certification must be provided by a trusted doctor who has to make a decision based on the model’s body mass index (BMI), body shape, and age. If a company breaks this law, the bosses can be thrown in jail for up to six months, or the entire company can be fined up to seventy-five thousand euros. Pictures that have used editing software to enhance the image have to be labeled as a ‘retouched photograph’. France’s health ministry said by passing the new law, they aim to reduce the numerous amount of eating disorders infesting their

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