Bomb's Away: A Short Story

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Bomb 's Away! or Why Throwing Toys off a Balcony Is a Bad Idea I think it was during the weekend, something tells me Saturday, but it could easily have been a Sunday. I know it wasn’t a week day because it’s very clear in my mind that I didn’t have school that day. I don’t know exactly how old I was, but it was probably four or five, any older and my mistake would’ve been more stupid than funny. I’m not sure exactly what I was doing before it happened, but knowing me at the time I was probably watching some silly show on TV. I was always quite fond of Spongebob… I got off track, apologies. No matter what I was originally doing, there came a point where I was overwhelmed with a feeling to play with my toys. Innocent enough on its own, but that day I felt like trying something new. I believe that …show more content…

I can’t really remember anyways. Doesn’t change the fact that I took that yellow dump truck and chucked it over the side of the balcony with gleeful curiosity. Spiralling through the air, the yellow dump truck enraptured my young mind. Four or five year old me probably thought it was cool. I mean, I can understand now that the spiraling was likely caused by a mix of wind and the shape of the truck as it fell through the air, but I guess I’d still think it was cool… Again, sidetracked. Sorry about that. With the first toy resting on the front lawn of the building, seemingly undamaged - side note: it was very much so damaged - I went back to the red wooden box to find another victim -er- I mean subject. Yes, let’s just continue from here as if it were all an experiment. With a new subject, I had figured it would only be fair if I were to acquire permission yet again. Who knows, maybe mother would object to playing with Batman. The only way to be sure was to ask. “Mom!” I yelled at the bathroom door, supplemented with a few knocks like the first