
Boo Radley's Decision To Trust In To Kill A Mockingbird

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With many decisions to make, the thoughts of the dragon swirled around in his brain. He had so many ideas and points to prove to his friend that his mistakes would never be repeated. In the end, his thoughts were not loud enough for his friend to hear, and he walked away. What a person does is more important than what a person thinks because it can gain a person’s trust, but it can also show the characteristics of greed. One’s actions gain gain a person’s trust. In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Boo Radley is seen as mysterious and dangerous from the rumors of the town, but when Jem and Scout was attacked by Bob Ewell, Radley decided to fight Mr. Ewell and defend the kids. He saved their lives. His decision to risk his life for the children
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