Book Of Job: The Book Of Job

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The Book of Job is a profound book that tells the benefits of patience in long- suffering. It narrates the story of a man called job and how he suffered in a paradox but conquered at the end of it all. The writer of this book is poetic in nature since he or she uses poetic elements to narrate the story. The book builds suspense as Job's reaction towards his situation is a determinant of the prize. This paper analyses the book of job using a different perspective that we will discuss below.
The authorship of this book seems to be unknown but can be traced when it was written. The …show more content…

It could be Moses wrote the story of Job in Aramaic but was later rewritten in Arabic since different expressions theme Arabic expression.
The dating of the book of job is clearly shown using the different pieces of evidence even as discussed in our first chapter. The book of job as shown by Hartley, (1988); He shows that job was written before the Exodus. He expounds that Job came from Bozrah a capital city of Edom which was the homeland of Esau, the twin brother of Jacob. This was before the exodus. Job lived in 17000-1500 B.C when the Israelites were suffering in Egypt as explained by Hartley.
Archeologically, the historical and geographical details given in the book of job are accurate and reliable. The different creatures discussed in the book of job are proven to have existed in the time of Job. While Job lived in his greatest doubts, his experience reveals the most important truths of life. He sought why evil prevails, but his answers look at the hippopotamus and the crocodile. Thereby this book raises moral insights into a …show more content…

Ideally, the different arguments verify that Job is not a fictional character. It also shows that Moses most probably was the author of the book of Job according to the dating of the books of job. The book possibly was written 140 years after Job died as a fulfillment of his wish as shown in the book of job. The paradox in the story of job is shown as answers to different people's situation as explained by the different writer. The different writers of the
Bible and Quran agree since evidently the events that are written in the same books are similar and are merely contrasting despite being referred to by different faiths. This point shows that the story of Job is credible and trustworthy hence not fictional since the date when they the book was written is clearly established by the different authors.
The audience of the book of job is anyone presently, but the original audiences of