Book Report On A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah

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In the memoir, A Long Way Gone written by Ishmael Beah, Ishmael faced the tragic start of war in his home place, Mattru Jong, Sierra Leone on January of 1993. At just the age of twelve his village had been wrecked by rebels who had been going to other villages as well. It was just a normal happy day before everything had occurred. When the news spread, Ishmael, his brother, Junior, and friend, Talliou were at a rap performance. They left in search for money and any family, but everything was gone. Later on, the boys parted ways when the rebels shot at them. Therefore, Ishmael was all alone. He felt nothing, but pain, even though he was with other boys he did not know. Unfortunately, Ishmael became a child soldier when he was thirteen years old. He fought off rebels in an army. Ishmael was influenced to do terrible things as he too was on drugs like cocaine, marijuana, and brown brown. Then on January of 1996, fifteen boys were taken out of the army to a safe place. Ishmael learned his mistakes through the rehabilitation center. Eventually, he forgave himself. On the way he met amazing people and changed for the better. Although, throughout Ishmael’s journey he struggled with multiple things, which were the rebels and the rap cassettes. …show more content…

At this young of an age, Ishmael had no clue what to think, especially without his family. A quote to support this was, “ We walked fast as if trying to stay in the daytime, afraid that nightfall would turn over the uncertain pages of our lives,” (Beah 88). This evidence displays how frightened Ishmael was ever since the war began. He fought in this part of his lifetime. Ishmael would always keep an eye out for anything, including the vicious rebels. Unfortunately, because of the torment the rebels have caused among people, Ishmael was traumatized. He thought to himself that he will never be safe