
Book Report: The Church Of Scientology

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The Church of Scientology states, “We are extending to you the precious gift of freedom and immortality—factually, honestly” (“Church of Scientology International”). However, this statement is far from the truth. The Church of Scientology does not allow its members to have freedom. In fact, the Church of Scientology has many specific rules and procedures restricting its members. Likewise, it does not provide information to its members that it is factual or honest. The founder of the church, L. Ron Hubbard, told church members many stories about his life that have now been proven to be false. In fact, because the Church of Scientology is based on the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard, this means the entire church is based on lies. These factors, …show more content…

Scientologists see dianetics as the way for a person, or rather their soul, to infinitely survive. In his book, Dianetics, L. Ron Hubbard talks about this and states that the purpose of the mind is to solve problems that relate to a person’s survival. Scientologists believe our minds record information using “mental image pictures” (“Church of Scientology International”). The mind takes this information and uses it to direct a person in their effort to …show more content…

Ron Hubbard states that the mind has two distinct parts: analytical and reactive. The analytical mind is where the mind thinks, observes data, remembers it, and resolves problems to promote survival. The reactive mind takes over when a person experiences intense emotional or physical pain. Scientologists believe that the reactive mind causes a person to experience unwanted fears, emotions, pains and psychosomatic illnesses, which hinder a person’s ability to survive (“Church of Scientology International”).
The ultimate goal of dianetics is to reach the state of mind called “the Clear.” The Church of Scientology states that a “Clear” is someone who no longer has his or her own reactive mind (“Church of Scientology International”) This means the person will no longer be subjected to the negative effects of past events. He or she will be happy, well, and able to live life to the

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