The Controversial Issues In Scientology

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Scientology describes itself as an "applied religious philosophy" addressing humankind's mental, spiritual, and physical well-being (Bigliardi, 2016). Scientology shares some beliefs with many religions, the dual nature of humankind and the attainment of spiritual awareness and freedom through the application of Church philosophy; other beliefs are unique, such as the extraplanetary origin of the spirit and the use of an electro-psycho meter in counseling sessions to measure the mental state of the individual (Eckersley, 2008). This paper will go into detail on how society is intertwined with scientology and the ways in which we, as a nation see it as a negative religion. Every religion in history has been started and promoted by a charismatic leader, every single one and Scientology is one of those, therefore it has played a role in society and the controversial issues surrounding the religion as a whole. Scientology is a fairly new religion. Founded in the twentieth-century by a man by the name of L. Ron Hubbard. He began his studies long ago and wrote a book in 1950 called Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. He claimed that this book was one of the first tools used to solve the problems of the mind, the mind in which we as humans need to learn how to control. This book focused …show more content…

The practice of the religion Scientology involves the application of those principles to create better conditions in society. It is a maxim of Scientology that one is as valuable as one is able to help others. All Scientology services are aimed at improving the ability to help. Thus, Scientology not only seeks to improve society through instilling a moral and ethical compass into people, but also by getting them to do something positive to help others in society as a practical expression of their religious